Our Impact
RAD works reliably, responsibly, thoughtfully, and inclusively to support regional assets whose work elevates our region's quality of life. Since 1994, RAD has been a careful steward of taxpayer dollars, ensuring that every penny goes toward making Allegheny County a vibrant place to live, work, and play.

Vitality for the Region
Our region boasts one of the nation's most robust parks and trails systems, 46 libraries delivering service in over 70 locations, a vibrant and eclectic arts scene, and world-renowned sports and regional attractions, thanks in no small part to the taxpayers of Allegheny County. RAD funding is a major contributor to our region's vitality, offering reliable, sustainable support for the organizations and institutions that put Pittsburgh on the map.

Livability for the Communities
Thanks to the RAD tax, Allegheny County and its 128 municipalities have been able to eliminate the personal property tax, shift the tax burden away from other property taxes, and support a variety of local government services. As a result of the decline of the steel industry, prior to RAD's implementation, Allegheny County and the Greater Pittsburgh area struggled to provide an attractive quality of life and a competitive tax environment to residents. Today, it is a thriving region to live, work, and play.

Number of OrganizationsSUPPORTED BY RAD

RAD provides funding to 105 diverse organizations that enhance our region's vitality and livability. We call them our Regional Assets. From library books to leopard cubs, and ballet barres to baseball games, RAD has something for everyone!
Asset Directory
Allegheny County and each of its 128 municipalities receive a share of the one percent sales tax, which is distributed directly from the PA Treasury based on a state calculated formula. This funding has been used to permanently eliminate the personal property tax, shift the tax burden away from other property taxes, and support a variety of local government services.
County & Municipal Support DirectoryThere is simply no other example in the region of a funding source that provides the scale of recreation to the public as RAD does in our regional parks.
RADical ImPAct
In 2019, RAD celebrated 25 years of community impact by funding 12 exciting projects that will shape the creative and cultural landscape of Allegheny County for the next 25 years.
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Financial Reports
See monthly financial snapshots and access RAD's financial history, including audits and annual reports.
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