RADical Adventurers

Featured Asset
Focus On Renewal (Father Ryan Arts Center)
420 Chartiers Avenue McKees Rocks, PA 15136
(412) 331-1685 ext. 310
http://www.forstorox.org/programsFocus On Renewal (Father Ryan Arts Center)
420 Chartiers Avenue McKees Rocks, PA 15136
(412) 331-1685 ext. 310
http://www.forstorox.org/programsRADical Adventurers will provide opportunities to youth in the Sto-Rox service area, culminating in a RADical Time Capsule.
Focus On Renewal (Father Ryan Arts Center)
Grant Amount
RADical Adventurers will provide opportunities to youth in the Sto-Rox service area, culminating in a RADical Time Capsule. Youth in the service of the Father Ryan Arts Center and Focus on Renewal will attend trips to various RAD assets throughout the region with the goal of writing stories that narrate the impact and importance of RAD assets.
Pre-Covid, the RADical Adventurers went out traveling through the spacetime continuum, visiting various RAD assets. A favorite trip was to the Andy Warhol Museum, and one of the fascinating highlights that they learned was how artist Jasper Johns "broke the mold in screen printing."
They now have a very retro-looking safe in place in the FOR Sto-Rox Library. Inside of it will be stored RAD momentos of all assets visited to be opened in 2045. It is a RAD time capsule, visible yet locked forever on 4-1-2021, until 4-1-2045!