Chatham Baroque + Renaissance & Baroque

Chatham Baroque and Renaissance & Baroque received a total of $95,000 in Connection Grant support for their strategic merger.
In 2018, Chatham Baroque Renaissance & Baroque were at a sustainability crossroads. Both organizations’ missions are focused on presenting music from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, and Early Classical periods. Recognizing that their missions overlapped so well, they determined that the most secure way to ensure longevity was to combine forces and forge a path toward a more certain future. In 2018, RAD granted Chatham Baroque $50,000 to support a merger with Renaissance & Baroque and in 2019, granted an additional $45,000 to support its second year. Chatham Baroque has continued to perform early music under its own name and has taken on managing and presenting programming for Renaissance & Baroque. The Artistic Directors of Chatham Baroque now seamlessly apply their education, training, and expertise for Renaissance & Baroque programs. Not only has the merger combined similar artistic missions but has also increased organizational efficiencies, including marketing, fundraising, and administration. Though the merger is still ongoing, the organizations have successfully combined efforts. The capacity of Chatham Baroque has grown and with that so has its audience base, donor base, and Board of Directors. Looking ahead, leadership is now focusing on long-range and sustainability planning.